Sunday, October 23, 2022

Movie special: Revenant Review ebook publication announcement!


It's the last day to post for the off-week, and I used the time to forge ahead on a long-term project. The upshot is, I finally published an ebook based on my Revenant Review feature. It's not yet clear if the ebook will be available for purchase bfore I need to get this post up. Update 10/26: The ebook is live, link here.

For now, here's the movie poster I used for the cover. The movie is titled Don't Go In The House, at least in U.S. release. I still have no idea what it is actually about, not do I particularly care. With my luck, though, I'll probably end up reviewing it sooner or later.

And here's something I thought of using, a foreign poster of The Incredible Melting Man, which I actually reviewed under Space 1979. It's really quite impressive, so of course it has almost nothing to do with the movie.

And while I'm at it, here's the link for my Space 1979 ebook!

With that, I'm going to post this page. I will update this as links become available. That's all for now, more to come!

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